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Film Dunce Files Announcement

Hello, I'm Phil, and I like movies.

The only issue is, I'm bad at it.

Instead of falling head-over-heels for some indie darling or oscar contender, I end up suckling at the chapped teat of the major studio's, ever thirsty for a new source of "mind-numbing escapism". I would site that quote, but I'm not actually sure which critic I'm quoting.

"Escapism" "Big-budget" and "Studio" have all become synonomous with pulpy crap at doesn't deserve a second look, and are rarely given one as a result. Instead, "Bummer John and the Insufferable Sadness" is nominated for Best Picture because a method actor couldn't stop screaming/crying while a camera rolled.

It's because of this and my own unquenchable ego that I'm starting a blog. My opinions simply must be heard. I'll be frequently sticking up for "the big guy" as there are so many voices already screaming for the little one.

Because of my incompetent taste and affinity for alliteration, the blog will be entitled "THE FILM DUNCE FILES". I'll try to update it semi-regularly with new (and hopefully interesting) takes on the medium of movies.

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